

At Jewebco we offer a diversity of training in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. We inform you about the latest updates, tell you how to make a quick selection and how to be the first to recruit that perfect candidate. Social media is the tool of the century, but we understand that it is difficult to keep up with all the development of online technology. That is why we are here for you. Take a look at our full range of training.

LinkedIn training

If you are thinking of a position that is difficult to fill, you are thinking of LinkedIn nowadays. Here you will find the highly educated professionals, specialists and management you need. During this training we share all the ins & outs of LinkedIn, facts and numbers and how you can use this tool as effectively as possible. The training can also be ‘turned around’, how can I, as an individual, make myself findable online for my target group? The LinkedIn training is particularly suitable for Recruiters, HR teams, Sales Managers, Account managers, Organisation advisors, Management and Executives.

Boolean training

Boolean Search stands for entering the most relevant search themes in order to be able to recruit the right candidate. Only how do you do this the right way, how do you make it easy and effective for yourself? Boolean remains an art, that is why we offer Boolean training. This way you will learn how to search for the right online profile, on LinkedIn and other websites.

Recruitment training

Jewebco supports your company to recruit the right candidates. We specialise in setting up and carrying out assessments. We share our knowledge during our training. This way you give your HR staff the necessary tools to recruit candidates.

HR training

Not all companies employ fully trained HR staff. More and more often, we see that employees spend part of their time on HR tasks. We train these employees so that they can advise both management and employees on a wide range of matters.

Your personal trainer and recruiter

My name is Jeroen Snip and I have been working as a trainer and recruiter for various industries since 2006. I support companies in the recruitment and selection of personnel. I do this in the form of training, recruitment, coaching and assessments. Please feel free to contact me to discuss the possibilities for your company. You can reach me at the following number, +31 8 52 00 61 63.